Welcome to the point of change. Your journey starts now.
Train with a purpose and see results.

The Team

VOLTA Coaches

Carly Gonzales
Carly Gonzales

Pursuing CSCS

Jack Van Dam
Jack Van Dam
General Manager

BS-Human Performance MA-Sport Management CSCS, FMS, USAWL2


No matter your training frequency or intended goal, we have a membership level for you!

Class Membership

Gold: 3 classes per week
Gold Club: 3 classes per week + open gym
Platinum: 6 classes per week
Platinum Club: 6 classes per week + open gym
Unlimited: 6 days per week + 24/7 Open Gym Access

Train in a small group setting with expert coaching from our highly qualified staff of Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists. With groups no bigger than 10 in any one class, you can be certain to get very focused attention to keep you injury free and progress toward your goals faster than ever before.

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Open Gym
Monday - Thursday : 5.00am - 7.00pm
Friday : 5.00am - 6.00pm
Saturday : 7.00am - 10.00am

Group Classes
Monday - Thursday : 5am, 6am - 5pm, 6pm
Friday : 5am, 6am - 5pm
Saturday : 7am, 8am, 9am

Personal Coaching
By appointment
Schedule your consultation today!

Contact Us

15075 Goldenwest Street
Huntington Beach, CA, 92647


[email protected]